2021 was a dark year for WWE. The company released 80 wrestlers, including some head scratchers such as top star Bray Wyatt and what many would call the future of this company in stars like Karrion Kross and Keith Lee. Many of these releases are attributed to budget cut reasons. With the company being as profitable as it has ever been, it’s hard to believe such an excuse. There is another major problem that WWE has right now. That problem is simply their use of their current crop of talent, or lack thereof. But why? What happened? I’ll go over some reasons as to why I think WWE is headed towards disaster and how they can fix it.

Not Utilizing Talent Properly

WWE has arguably the most talent pool of wrestlers they’ve ever had. This is no slight to the wrestlers of old, but have you seen these guys? They are really amazing and even me saying that is underselling their skillset. You want highflying? Look no further than Ricochet. He does things a normal human should not be able to do. You want great character work? Karrion Kross and Scarlett have it for you. The roster that WWE amassed is astounding and impressive but yet the product is for lack of a better word, terrible. Only a handful pf the wrestlers feel important. There is something to be said when most of your roster comes out to crickets or a mild reaction. This is directly attributed to poor creative decisions such as silly characters (Nikki A.S.H. says hi), the talent being positioned as constant losers, or not even being showcased at all. The list is endless at this point. It is nothing short of demoralizing. It begs the question, why should we as fans care?

Unimportant Championships

In every sport, the ultimate goal is to win a championship. Wrestling is no different. The problem in WWE is that all of their championships feel uninspiring at best. If you turn on the television as a non-wrestling fan and see someone holding a championship, you will think that guy or girl is the best that they have. This is how it should be. Instead, WWE treats their champions like any other average joe. They constantly lose non-title matches; they are made out to be push-overs if they are the good guys, and some cases never even defend the title. Get this! Lately in order to get a championship match with said champion, a potential challenger who is seemingly chosen at random must beat the champion on television in a championship contender’s match. This is very asinine. What if my Atlanta Hawks had to beat the Bucks in one game tomorrow. If they win that game, they get a free trip to the NBA finals. Your champions should be positioned as top tier. They should feel almost untouchable which would in-turn make your championships feel like an actual important prize and not a prop. Only Roman Reigns and Brock Lesnar’s titles feel important right now and that is more because of the people behind them. This is where WWE’s priorities lie, while the rest are thrown to the waste side.

The Women of WWE

The women of WWE at one point, was the best thing about the show. They main evented matches. The storylines were compelling. On some shows, they were even the match on the card, outdoing their male counterparts. But why is that? It’s because they were given a fair shot to showcase their skills. They had effort put behind them. Now that Vince and Bruce have grown bored with the “Women’s Revolution,” the women are back to being relegated to unimportant storylines, two-minute matches, and bad creative. For a company that offers so many hours of content, there is no reason that the women can’t get more time and better storylines.

Bad Creative/Killing of NXT

This one is the biggest and it is a culmination of all the headlines in this article. WWE’s storylines are bad. It is very obvious that there is no care or thought put into the talent. From champions losing, to cheesy 24/7 title segments, you name it, they got it. Although the company is trying to appeal to a younger audience, they are going about it as terribly as possible. Disney appeals to a young audience but what they put out is so good, any age group can enjoy it. WWE has forgotten how to do this. That is until NXT was formed. Triple H was in charge of WWE’s developmental brand entitled NXT. A play on the word next. These guys and girls were groomed for the main roster to be big stars one day. WWE had no interest in this system. They opted to change what was clearly working and even fire some of the biggest stars the company had. The aforementioned releases were several of Triple H’s prospects and hirings. Can’t have the “rookies” or “developmental” guys outdoing your main roster megastars I suppose.

Conclusion: Signed Death Note To Wrestling

I could go on and on about the current state of the product. It is both disheartening and disappointing to say the least. Growing up a fan of the company, I want to see them do well. I’m sure we all do. It just doesn’t seem like they are interested in putting on good shows anymore. They still have so many talented wrestlers who are just waiting to break out. They seriously have some of the best in the entire world. One thing that’s in a sad state is its tag-team division. There are no tag-teams. So why on earth are there two sets of championships? One for each show. Same with the women’s titles. They should merge all the divisions, end the brand split and unify all the championships. It is such a simple concept. This will in-turn give fans fresh matchups, build more stars, and make your champions and their titles feel more important. I’m afraid, this will all go on death’s ears however. Vince and company seems stuck in their ways. It seems to me that WWE is trying to take wrestling out of their company and be only a poorly written soap opera. They have fired some of the best wrestlers, writer, trainers, and minds in the business. They are bringing in many newcomers with no prior experience to this business and firing all of the experienced people. So, if you want wrestling for years to come, you should look elsewhere. Unless something changes drastically.