The world of professional wrestling is not as easy as many outsiders may think. The notion that the sport is fake couldn’t be further from the truth. Over the years, we have seen some of the worst injuries ever bestowed upon a human being. Some even career ending. Add Big E to that list. Though Big E seems fine, this injury is another unwelcomed reminder that these guys and girls constantly put their lives on the line to entertain us.

Things Happen

Even though they are professionals, at the end of the day, they are humans. Humans make mistakes. During his match with Ridge Holland, Big E was dropped on his head on padded concrete floors. In a move that these superstars have done countless times, Holland didn’t get enough lift on Big E to land him on his back. This led to him landing awkwardly on his neck. It looked brutal and the end result was a broken neck for Big E.

There has been lots backlash on social media towards Ridge Holland. That isn’t fair as things just happen in this field of work. It could happen to anyone. The real issue here is WWE’s booking of the match. There was no need for a spot such as this in a match that wasn’t progressing any storylines. This close to ‘Mania, there was no need for it. Thankfully Big E is fine and has since went on his Twitter to give an update and thank everyone for the overwhelming support. If you want to see the spot that caused Big E to break his neck, check the link above.

Wishing A Speedy Recovery

We’ve seen what neck injuries have done to many of the greats over the years. Edge had to retire in basically his prime. The same can be said for Paige. Still so young with much to do, only to have their careers cut short. But Edge came back and is currently doing the best work of his career. Yes, it took 9 years, but it was thought that he’d never be able to wrestle again. While I hope it doesn’t take Big E out of commission for that long, I do wish for him to be back and better than before. He is constantly revered as one of the best guys that WWE has backstage and the outpour of support he is receiving from fans and peers alike are a testament to that. We are rooting for you Big E.